MacWorld 1997 September
Macworld (1997-09).dmg
Serious Software
Presenter 3D
Presenter 3D Docs
Presenter Reference Digest
Presenter Reference Digest.rsrc
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Click-hold to expose a menu listing; drag down the menu listing to highlight/select list items; release mouse-key to activate highlighted list item.
List item with right-pointing arrow indicates a submenu; submenus operate
as described above.
File menu
Open Model… [-o]
Access standard Open dialog box; locate a Presenter 3D file (v3.6.x or
Presenter Professional v3.x), then click on Open button to Open the
database file.
Close Model
Closes the active database file.
Save Model [Ô£ø-s]
Overwrites named file.
Save Model As…
Access standard Save dialog box; enter name in the Save as: data field;
choose a location, then click on Save button to Save the database file.
Close Window [Ô£ø-w]
Closes the current, active window.
Import Model…
Not active.
Export Model…
For exporting to EIAS FACT file format (Save dialog box). Click Save button to
export the model.
Prefs (button)
Click button to access File Conversion Options dialog box.
On Input -- has no effect on export
On Output (2 data fields; two check boxes)
Spline Breakup (data field)
Make an entry (1 < whole number >20); Low numbers are “coarse”;
high numbers are “smooth”.
Surface Breakup (data field)
Make an entry (1 < whole number >20); Low numbers are “coarse”;
high numbers are “smooth”.
Write Invisible Groups (check box)
Create Groups for Unsupported Elements (check box)
View Image/Movie… [-e]
Access Standard Open dialog box.
Locate/Select a PICT or QuickTime movie file; view the image/movie.
View 3DMF file…
Access Standard Open dialog box; locate/select the 3DMF file; view image.
Re-scan for plug-ins…
Relocates the files in the Presenter Plug-ins folder. To avoid re-launching
Presenter when a new Attribute file (Texture, Sound, Animator, Shader) is
placed into the Plug-ins folder; so Presenter will recognize the newly-
placed Attribute.
Page Setup…
No effect.
Print Window…
No effect.
Transfer to Modeler
Quits Presenter and launches ModelPro.
Quit [Ô£ø-q]
Quits Presenter (to Finder).
Edit menu
Undo <operation> [Ô£ø-z]
Returns model status to pre <operation> (20 levels).
Cut [Ô£ø-x]
Removes selected item from database (to Presenter clipboard).
The Presenter clipboard is separate from the System clipboard; it handles the
special dataset created by Presenter; this data cannot be pasted into
other applications.
Copy [Ô£ø-c]
Copies selected item to Presenter clipboard.
Paste [Ô£ø-v]
Pastes contents of Presenter clipboard into database.
Removes selected item from database (cannot Undo or Paste).
Select All Cells [Ô£ø-a]
Selects all of the event markers in the Script window.
Redo <operation> [Ô£ø-r]
Applies the previous <operation> (determined by Undo).
Animation Settings…
Access Animation Settings dialog box.
Total Time (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number) to set the time length of the
animation. Default is 240 (24 seconds).
Offset (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number) to make the initial time marker
other than zero. For example: with the Total Time set to 240 and the
Offset set to 100, the initial time marker will be at 1 second and the final
time marker will be at 34 seconds. This is useful for aligning the initial time
marker with the final time marker of some existing animation. Default is 0.
Time Scale (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number). Corresponds to the number of
frames to be rendered per second of animation; dictates the number of tic-
marks displayed in the timeline along the top of the Script window.
Default is 10.
Start Time (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number). Indicates the beginning frame to
be rendered in an animation. Dictates the position of the right-pointing,
blue wedge in the timeline along the top of the Script window.
End Time (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number). Indicates the final frame to
be rendered in an animation. Dictates the position of the left-pointing,
blue wedge in the timeline along the top of the Script window.
Play Rate (data field)
Make a data entry (1 < whole number). Corresponds to the number of
frames to be previewed in the Active Camera window per second of
animation. Default is 10.
Looping Animation (check box)
not operational.
Environment Settings…
Access Environment Settings dialog box.
Rendering Background (color chit)
Click on the chit to access standard color picker. Select a color.
Affects View windows only.
Rendering Background (color chit)
Click on the chit to access standard color picker. Select a color. Affects
Active Camera Preview, and final renderings only.
Ambient Light (one data field; one color chit)
Brightness <(data field)> %
Make an entry (0 < number > 100). Determines the intensity of the
ambient lighting. An entry of zero would be equivalent to setting your
scene into a covered black box. An entry of 100 would have the effect of
cancelling any other lighting you have in the scene, and would make no
shading across surfaces. Default is 10%.
Color (color chit)
Click on the chit to access standard color picker. Select a color.
Determines the color of the Ambient light. Default is white.
Stereoscopic (one data field; one check box)
The settings made here affect the “lenses” when the Camera type
is Stereoscopic or Stereo (red/blue).
Separation <(data field)> °
Make an entry (1< whole number > 10). Determines the separation
between images.
Cross-eye Viewing (check box)
Click to toggle “on/off”. Determines the separation between images.
Rotation Order (pull-down menu)
Make a selection from the pull-down menu. The rotation order is
important when an object is made to rotate on multiple axes from an
initial orientation to some other final orientation.
See in-depth discussion in Presenter Reference Manual.
Fog (one data field; one color chit)
This effect applies only when rendering using MacRenderMan rendering
engine (does not apply to raytracer or phong).
The effect is to alter the color of an item using the “fog” color to tint the
item. Items further from the camera will be tinted more by the “fog” color.
Items closer to the camera will be tinted less by the “fog” color.
Max. Visibility (data field)
Make an entry (0 < number). Determines the density of the “fog”.
Color (color chit)
Click to access standard color picker. Determines the color of
the “fog”.
Movie Compression…
Access standard QuickTime movie compression settings dialog box.
QTVR Settings…
Access QTVR Settings dialog box; includes settings for Panorama and
Object movie types.
See the special portion of this CD devoted to QTVR for an in-depth explanation
of QTVR technology, and how to create Panorama and Object movies
using Presenter.
Action menu
New Folder
Inserts empty folder into the Script window Items list.
Recalculate ND Cells
Select to “calculate” ND Cells.
In order to preview/render an animation that employs the Collision Detection
Animator, the ND Cells must be “calculated”.
Applies only when using the Collision Detection Animator. The Animator
generates these ND Cells (event markers) to show, in the Script window, the
frames at which a collision is detected.
Recalculate Interactive
Select to “calculate” ND Cells.
Updates the display in the View windows and Active Camera window for each
frame, as the “calculation” of ND Cells progresses.
Delete ND Cells
Removes all ND Cells from the Script window; in preparation to fine-tuning the
animation (changing the characteristics of Collision Detection Animator or the
item that it is attached to.)
For example: suppose you use the Collision Detection Animator to make a ball
bounce on a floor; you would use Recalculate ND Cells prior to previewing the
animation (generates ND Cells in the ball’s channel in the Script window);
upon preview, you decide to increase the elasticity of the ball to make it bounce
higher and for a longer time; use Delete ND Cells to clear the ball’s channel,
then use Recalculate ND Cells to generate the cells for the new animation.
Mix Sound Track
Select to prepare the final sound track when employing sound in your
In order to preview/record the sound you have applied to your animation, you
must first prepare the final sound track.
For example: suppose you have set up an animation with a train passing
quickly by the camera, and have attached a whistle sound to the train, and
set-up microphones near the camera to detect the whistle sound as it passes
by. This scenario will generate a Doppler sound effedt (the frequency of the
whistle sound will change from high to low as it approaches, and passes the
microphones). Use Mix Sound Track to prepare the final sound track. Now
suppose you add a musical score as background. To preview/record the new
final sound track use Mix Sound Track.
Windows menu
Clean-up Windows
Arranges windows/palettes into default configuration.
Fits default configuration to monitor size.
Redraws images in the View windows and the Active Camera window.
Auto Re-display (check mark)
Select to toggle “on/off”.
Makes the Top View window the active window.
Makes the Front View window the active window.
Makes the Right View window the active window.
Active Camera
Makes the Active Camera window the active window.
Makes the Script window the active window.
Makes the Attributes window the active window.
Activity Log
Makes the Activity Log window the active window.
The Activity Log displays rendering activity and statistics.
Tool Palette
Displays the Tool palette.